I am making these "GIS analysis" when I can, but I will be going at about 1-2 resorts per week. Appalachian Ski Mountain is on my portfolio but will be copied to this blog (as it is easier/quicker to modify than using Dreamweaver). For this entry I will be covering the highest ski resort on the east coast, Beech Mountain.
Ski Beech Proposed. Description is below. |
I have skied at Beech Mountain and this resort has some great potential. Sitting at a base elevation of 4700' (that's not a typo) and a peak elevation just under 5500', Beech Mountain's elevation CLEARLY passes my GIS test of both being on a peak above 5000' and having a resort base above 3500'. The peak elevation minimum of 5000' ensures that there is sufficient orographic uplift for a Northwest Flow Snowfall. Now, this peak elevation is not an essential. Poga Mountain barely tops out at 4300' yet still racks in heavy upslope snowfall. A big part of this is having nearby peaks that are above 5000' (Snake Mountain, Roan Mountain, Sugar Mountain, Beech Mountain).
Since orographic snowfall can constitute up to 50% of a season's snow content, every tangible factor which increases this snowfall total is critical. Since Beech Mountain is on the western periphery of the Appalachian Mountains, the moisture content is undiluted and thus maximizes in orographic snowfall. Areas east of here receive far less snowfall, with Deep Gap (just 20 miles away) receives far less snow from an upslope flow. This is because upslope events have little moisture to work with and with this being a stable air mass, vertical uplift is unlikely to occur past the initial windward slopes. For a perspective, there is often a capping inversion between the 725mb and 750mb levels. Above this layer the relative humidity sharply decreases. That is shallow my friends. And that's during peak conditions. I have seen a moisture layer as shallow as the 850mb level (4700') that STILL produced measurable snow. Northwest Flow Snowfall however does not have a very high liquid to water content, so this snow compacts and melts faster than a southerly tracking system. We have had Northwest Flow Snow events range from a 10:1 snow ratio to an outrageous 70:1 ratio (70" of snow to 1" of rain water). I can sweep that off my deck for crying out loud!
With a low density like that, this snow type is likely to have snow drifts associated with it if there is any significant wind. This is a disadvantage for Beech Mountain, as some of the snow is simply blown off the slopes. They tried really hard to make every slope face northward to decrease sun exposure, but this is a case where it takes away another benefit. Had the resort oriented its runs towards the Northeast instead, like Hawksnest, then snow blown off the summit would actually be deposited on the resort side. This happened at Poga Mountain where a rotor kept the highest winds above our research station and actually helped to keep our snow around. The same snow blown off of the summit of Beech is deposited in the town of Beech Mountain.
Another disadvantage to making every slope face north - sometimes the mountain slope is not quite oriented towards the north. Many of Beech Mountains main runs have a double fall line where the left side of the slope is 15' higher than the right side of the slope. Ouch.
Beech Mountain has clear advantages over the other resorts. Higher elevation = cooler and enhanced Northwest Flow Snowfall = more snow. Wide runs give skiers more room to work with and having a high speed quad is really nice.
But has anyone tried to come up here in a bus? Not only do you have to drive up to the summit, you have to go down the other side as well. The other side has much sharper curves and is somewhat sheltered from the wind, increasing snow drift chances. The images I have below are Google Earth derived and are not actual plans but a "what if" scenario.
Beech Mountain. Red = new lodge/village, gray = parking lot (proposed),
purple = new terrain, black = reclassified ski run |
Wait a new lodge? Did I really just propose moving the entire base area and parking lots? Yes, I did. Why? This shortens the distance one has to drive to the resort and makes it much easier to get there. No longer does one have to go down the other side of the mountain on really tight, steep curves and the new area is much more bus accessible. But imagine this: instead of a ski in/ski out village, what about a ski in/ski out TOWN. Right next door is the sledding hill, town center, Fred's Merchantile, and other convenience stores. A new lift on the old terrain park (nearest lodge) would serve as the new beginner area. Honestly this terrain was a little too flat to support a park but half of the slope could still support a progression park. A new triple lift replaces the Shawneehaw lift and has a mid station. Another lift replaces the fixed grip lift that used to be here and could also be a triple lift. A defunct slope cutting across the mountain would serve as an advanced beginner run from top to bottom, while the new run on the backside would give a lower intermediate/upper beginner run to funnel more traffic to this lift. To eliminate the difficult double fall line on Robin's Run, the bottom half of the slope curves towards the northeast. The old "lower Robin's Run" would serve as the intermediate/advanced terrain park. The pitch is perfect and the new triple lift nearby funnels park traffic to this area instead. The original base village can still exist: remember that there are residents living on the backside of the mountain. I don't think they need all of the buildings but rather could possibly add another reservoir down here for the town water supply.
This is just a proposal using geospatial analysis. The beautiful thing about using GIS and Google Earth is the ability to quickly render a map of almost any variable. One can quickly use these tools to find the most favorable locations for ski runs on a mountain, and use the tools to classify the ski rating for the terrain (based on slope).